The Organisation Enteyxis and the Photometria Photo Festival participate for the years 2013-2015 in the program of the transnational cooperation between institutions and organizations that take action in the field of adults education GRUNDTVIG-Educational Partnerships. The subject of the Partnership is Frames of European Common Life. The participants of the partnership are: CIDI (Italy, coordinator), Crossing Borders (Denmark), The Greener Bourgas Foundation (Bulgaria), Fundacja Centrum Actywnoci Twόrczej (Poland) and Enteyxis (Greece). The educational partnership will last 18 months and targets at the promotion of the completion and development of the European accession with the use of photography. The corporative relationship will create a European community of amateur photographers, who will share the technical experience and the best practices, they will work together in order to use the photographic means as means of social investigation and they will think of subjects of common European interest. The cooperation aims at the promotion of the mobility of adult trainees and the trainers and the effective cooperation between European organizations related with photography.

© Photometria International Photography Festival